Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

Bullying video

For this public service announcement, my group did our video on bullying. we used the slogan "sticks and stones may break my bones but names won't hurt me. or will they?". It means that physical pain is more painful than emotional pain and that name calling won't hurt. This slogan is wrong, name calling does hurt and we were trying to prove that in our video. The victim who's being bullied sometimes believe the bully and it totally distroys their self esteem.

In the video, you see a girl in the corner, all alone, feeling isolated. Then you see other girls calling her names.Then it flashes to a bandage with a word on it. we usually put on bandages when we have a cut and we are hurt. we were trying to say that the girl was hurt and that underneath the bandage there's a cut. we used a very slow and sad song.

The audience for the video would be teens in high school because most of the bullying does happen in high school. In conclusion, this project was really fun and the video turned out really great.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

flickr slide show

For the photo shoot, i chose to do it on Tom's milk because i always walk past it on my way back home. Tom’s milk is located at the corner of Birmingham and Kipling. Tom’s milk is a very important store not only to the students of Lakeshore collegiate but to the people of the neighborhood. Tom’s milk supplies us with food, drinks and candy as well as little nick nacks, which are cheaply priced. Tom’s milk is an essential part of our community, our neighborhood.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

bullying posters

I think that out of the tree, the best poster is the second because the text really stands out well and the way i placed them really makes it look better. In the poster, there's a girl that looks like she is in a bubble ?(it was suppose to be a spotlight on her). The background of my poster is black and the colour of texts are white and red.The message is clear and overall the poster is simple and to the point.

The theme of my poster is bullying. This poster helps eliminate bullying in our society by informing or educating the general public that lots of kids in Canada are being bullied every day. I put "one out four Canadian kids say they have been bullied and one of the five kids are the bullying. i also put "stop bullying.it hurts", i made "bullying" and "hurts" red because it carries a lots of emotion, and you can also read it as "bullying hurts". On the bottom of the poster, there is a website where people can go in order to learn more about bullying.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Video Sequencing

  • Sequencing helps save time in a video, you can make a one minute clip into a 20 second clip or even less .
  • it helps the video editor tell the story by using a lots of wide, medium and tight shots.
  • without compression, the movie tends to be really boring
  • the viewers are used to seeing time compression everyday when they watch TV or a movie and they buy into your compression.
  • you should shoot a variety of shots
  • you should the action first and then the reaction
  • you should hold your shots for about 10 seconds each.
  • Don’t pan or zoom

Monday, November 9, 2009

photoshop effects: photo minipulation

I first went on to google and looked through the photoshop tutorial and i found this site:

There were bunch of cool photoshop tricks , and my favourite one was the photo manipulation, i thought it was really cool.

So first i got a piture of the guy's eye from google and followed the instructions. Then i got the a piture of a map and added it on top. As i went on following the instructions, i had to get the piture of a fish under water, and i added a shark on the guy's eye, rather than adding lots of fishes.

Over all it was an easy effect and even though it doesn't look as good as the original, it still looks cool.